In the Labyrinth of Revenge
ISBN-13: 978-3-404-19240-3​
465 pages
Coming soon to English booksellers...
The world's most famous serial killer comes to Europe.
Francis Ackerman Jr. is leaving America for the first time. A list is waiting for him in Glasgow, containing the names of all the members of the largest and most dangerous crime syndicate in the world. But the tablet on which it is stored can only be unlocked by Ackerman and the daughter of his deceased archenemy together. His enemies will do everything in their power to kill him and the young woman before this can happen. So Ackerman rushes to Scotland to reach the woman before it is too late. But not only are underworld bosses, Interpol and the police waiting for him there, there is also a man lurking in the background who used to dominate Ackerman's nightmares and who has now spun a sophisticated labyrinth of intrigue around him from which there is no escape...